The Road Ahead for Non-Cleared Derivatives – Vol 1, Issue 1: April 2015

In this issue of IQ, we focus on the new margin regime in three feature articles. In the first, we consider just how much of the derivatives market will be affected by the non-cleared margin rules. In the second, we review the WGMR requirements and the efforts to translate those into binding national rules. The third article outlines ISDA’s WGMR implementation efforts and its work to develop a standard initial margin model.

Documents (1) for The Road Ahead for Non-Cleared Derivatives – Vol 1, Issue 1: April 2015

SwapsInfo Full Year 2024 and Q4 2024

Interest rate derivatives (IRD) trading activity increased in 2024, driven by interest rate volatility, adjustments in central bank policies and shifting market expectations on inflation and economic growth. Index credit derivatives also saw increased activity, as measured by traded notional,...