Petition for Rulemaking to Amend Parts 1 (General Regulations under the Commodity Exchange Act), 37 (Swap Execution Facilities) and 43 (Real-Time Public Reporting) of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Regulations

ISDA respectfully petitions the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) under Commission regulation 13.2 to amend certain provisions in Parts 1, 37 and 43 of the Commission’s regulations. ISDA requests that the Commission amend certain provisions of the Commission’s regulations to more closely adhere to Congressional intent to establish a swaps trading platform regime that allows for flexible execution of swaps, to reduce undesirable regulatory outcomes that threaten the efficient functioning of markets, and to achieve cross-border harmonization of execution rules.

Documents (1) for Petition for Rulemaking to Amend Parts 1 (General Regulations under the Commodity Exchange Act), 37 (Swap Execution Facilities) and 43 (Real-Time Public Reporting) of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Regulations

SwapsInfo Full Year 2024 and Q4 2024

Interest rate derivatives (IRD) trading activity increased in 2024, driven by interest rate volatility, adjustments in central bank policies and shifting market expectations on inflation and economic growth. Index credit derivatives also saw increased activity, as measured by traded notional,...