AFME, FIA, ICMA, ISDA and ISLA Publish Master Regulatory Reporting Agreement

The Association of Financial Markets in Europe (AFME), Futures Industry Association (FIA), International Capital Market Association (ICMA), International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (ISDA) and International Securities Lending Association (ISLA) have published a new agreement intended to simplify reporting across different European Union regulatory regimes.

The Master Regulatory Reporting Agreement (MRRA) gives market participants an option to use a single template to help them manage regulatory obligations and provide services related to reporting under the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) and the Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (SFTR). Use of a common template for all reporting relationships under the two rule sets will bring greater efficiency and consistency to the regulatory reporting process.

The MRRA sets out common terms governing mandatory and delegated reporting of derivatives transactions under EMIR, compatible with changes introduced via EMIR Refit, as well as securities financing transactions under the SFTR. The agreement has also been drafted with a view to ensuring these terms remain effective post-Brexit.

The MRRA was developed with the assistance of committees and working groups established by AFME, FIA, ICMA, ISDA and ISLA, comprising representatives from both buy- and sell-side firms with expertise in derivatives and securities financing transactions.

The MRRA and an explanatory memorandum setting out the architecture and background to the MRRA are available here.


For Press Queries, Please Contact:

Nick Sawyer, ISDA, +44 20 3808 9740,

Christopher Faimali, ISDA, +44 20 3808 9736,

Rebecca Hansford, AFME, +44 20 3828 2693,

Steven Adamske, FIA, +1 202 772 3008,

Allan Malvar, ICMA, +44 20 7213 0322,

Margaret Wilkinson, ICMA, +44 20 7213 0323,

Sejal Amin, ISLA, +44 20 3786 2367,

Documents (1) for AFME, FIA, ICMA, ISDA and ISLA Publish Master Regulatory Reporting Agreement

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