Market Closure Announcement – Chinese New Year

The Chinese government announced that the Lunar New Year holiday, which was originally scheduled to run from Friday January 24, 2020 to Thursday January 30, 2020 (inclusive) has been extended to February 2, 2020 (inclusive). Further information can be found here.

ISDA guidance regarding the impact of Lunar New Year holiday extension on over-the-counter derivative transactions can be found below.

Please note the guidance may be updated from time to time.

A Welcome Extension on US Treasury Clearing

Yesterday, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced it would delay the implementation of mandatory clearing for US Treasury securities by one year. That means eligible cash transactions will now need to be cleared by December 31, 2026, with...

ISDA and FIA Response on Pre-Hedging

On February 21, ISDA and FIA responded to the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)’s consultation report on pre-hedging. In the response, the associations highlight that an appropriate, consistent and well-understood framework for pre-hedging is important for safe and efficient...