Collateral Management Transformation Toolkit: Portfolio Reconciliation and Dispute Resolution

In 2017, ISDA published A Blueprint for the Optimal Future State of Collateral Processing. This document was designed to provide a set of principles that the industry could work toward to meet the ever-changing demands and challenges of the collateral management process.

To build on these recommendations, ISDA has developed the Collateral Management Transformation Toolkit (CMT Toolkit). While ISDA recognizes that each organization has unique operational challenges with respect to the management of collateral, the CMT Toolkit is intended to help ISDA members identify some of the collateral management operational processes that could benefit from efficiency improvements.


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The objective of the CMT Toolkit is to provide resources that will help ISDA member firms:

• Assess current collateral management processing challenges;

• Identify opportunities for collateral management processing improvement;

• Review sample use cases;

• Build a business case for a project and then a project implementation plan; and

• Measure pre- and post-implementation key performance indicators.

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