ISDA highlights a selection of research papers on derivatives and risk management
Mechanism Selection and Trade Formation on Swap Execution Facilities: Evidence from Index CDS
Commodity Futures Trading Commission Research Papers
By Lynn Riggs, Esen Onur, David Reiffen, and Haoxiang Zhu
This study analyzes the customer choice of trading mechanisms on swap execution facilities (SEFs). In particular, it examines how customers expose their orders to dealers and how dealers respond to customers’ requests.
The study uses message-level data for index credit default swaps (CDS) traded on Bloomberg and Tradeweb SEFs in May 2016. These two venues focus on customer-to-dealer trades and they accounted for about 85% of all SEF trading volumes in the index CDS market in 2016. The analysis focuses on request-for-quote (RFQ) and request-for-streaming (RFS) trading mechanisms. A key difference between these two mechanisms is that the RFS quotes are indicative, while RFQ quotes are generally firm.
The study finds that customers are significantly less likely to choose RFQ if their order has a larger notional size. For those orders where the customers choose RFQ, larger trade size significantly reduces the number of dealers queried.
While dealers’ response rates in RFQs are high on average, they tend to be lower if customers include more dealers in RFQ. Past trading relationships are also important factors for customers’ quote requests and dealers’ responses. Dealers are more likely to respond to customers that account for a larger share of their past trading activity.
Click here to read the full paper
Implications of Financial Market Development for Financial Stability in Emerging Market Economies
Bank for International Settlements
By Philip Wooldridge
This research highlights that financial market development over the past two decades has altered rather than eliminated the vulnerability of emerging market economies (EMEs) to large swings in capital flows and exchange rates.
The Covid-19 crisis showed that market development in EMEs remains incomplete. Portfolio rebalancing by investors led to sharp currency depreciations, which amplified portfolio outflows and declines in EME asset prices. In response to market destabilization, EME central banks introduced bond purchase programs, most of which focused on local currency government bond purchases in secondary markets and were relatively modest in size.
The paper points to two specific areas where further market development could support financial stability, including the development of derivatives markets and a larger base of domestic institutional investors. In many EMEs, derivatives markets are small, while hedging costs are high, making it difficult for borrowers and investors to tailor their currency and other risk exposures to their needs.
Click here to read the full paper
The CDS Market Reaction to Loan Renegotiation Announcements
By Florina Silaghi, Alfredo Martin-Oliver and Ahmed Sewaid
This paper analyzes the credit market’s reaction to loan renegotiation announcements through changes in CDS spreads, and demonstrates a significant market reaction to material loan amendment announcements.
The study is based on a sample of CDS spreads of 176 public US companies that belong either to the CDX investment grade index or the CDX high yield index. The data covers 758 loan renegotiations during the period from 2010 to 2017.
Since renegotiation is usually triggered by new information on market conditions or the credit quality of a borrower, loan renegotiation is informative for market participants, leading to a certification effect. The study shows that CDS spreads tend to decrease in response to loan renegotiation announcements. However, not all amendment types are perceived equally informative by CDS market investors.
The study highlights that significant decreases in CDS spreads were the result of material amendments, such as a change in line of credit amount or tranche amount. Complex renegotiations that involved a large number of amendments implied an increase in CDS spreads. The CDS market reaction was stronger for speculative firms, which are more sensitive to downside risk.
ISDA submits paper on OTC derivatives identifier
On March 11, ISDA submitted a paper to the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) setting out its view on how the delegated act specifying the identifying reference data to be used for over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives transparency under the Markets...
India Derivatives Forum: Scott O'Malia Remarks
ISDA India Derivatives Markets Forum March 11, 2025 Opening Remarks Scott O’Malia, ISDA Chief Executive Good morning and welcome to the India Derivatives Markets Forum. It’s great to hold this event in Mumbai for the second time and to...
Equity Definitions VE InfoHub
This page will be updated on a regular basis as relevant information becomes available and will serve as a repository for information from ISDA relating to the initiative to update the 2002 ISDA Equity Derivatives Definitions (the “2002 Equity Definitions”)....
ISDA responds to FSB on leverage in NBFI
On February 28, ISDA responded to the Financial Stability Board’s (FSB) consultation on leverage in the non-bank financial intermediation (NBFI) sector. In the response, ISDA makes the following points: Due to the diverse nature of the NBFI sector (in terms...