Regulators around the world are revising their rules to incorporate globally agreed data standards to improve the cross-border consistency of what is reported and the format in which it is submitted. While more aligned, the rules won’t be identical – variations will continue to exist, meaning firms cannot take the work completed for one jurisdiction and apply it to another. Each set of requirements will need to be individually reviewed, interpreted and then applied, but there’s no guarantee each firm will interpret the requirements in the same way, leading to errors, inconsistencies and the potential for regulatory censure for those firms that get it wrong.
ISDA’s Digital Regulatory Reporting initiative addresses this by establishing a golden-source interpretation of each rule set, reviewed and agreed by an industry committee. The Common Domain Model – a free-to-use data standard for financial products, trades and lifecycle events – is used to convert this mutualized interpretation into free, machine-readable code.
Click here to read the factsheet.
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