ISDA Position on Key MIFID-MIFIR Trilogue Issues

On April 17, ISDA finalized and circulated its position on the key issues of concern for derivatives market participants in the final phase of EU negotiations on the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive/Regulation, including the consolidated tape, trade transparency and other issues.

Documents (1) for ISDA Position on Key MIFID-MIFIR Trilogue Issues

Response on Options and Discretions

On January 24, ISDA and the Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) responded to the European Central Bank’s (ECB) consultation on its approach to options and discretions under EU law. In the response, the associations highlight the efforts of...

Letter to SEC on US Treasury Clearing

On January 24, ISDA, the Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA), FIA, the FIA Principal Traders Group (FIA PTG), the Institute of International Bankers (IIB), the Managed Funds Association (MFA) and the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) and its...

Response on EMIR Active Account Consultation

On January 27, ISDA responded to the European Securities and Markets Authority’s (ESMA) consultation on the active account requirement (AAR) introduced under the revised European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR 3.0). In the response, ISDA highlighted significant concerns about the proposed...