ISDA, AFME Respond to EBA on FRTB Reporting Requirements

On June 21, ISDA and the Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) submitted a joint response to the European Banking Authority (EBA) consultation on draft amendments to the implementing technical standards (ITS) on the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) reporting requirements under the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR).

Reporting standards provide supervisors with insight into banks’ trading books, while also keeping in mind the proportionality of the requirements and the costs and benefits of additional requirements above those mandated by the Basel Committee’s standards and what is required under the CRR.

In the response, ISDA and AFME include recommendations to align the final ITS on FRTB reporting with the implementation of the CRR 3 FRTB requirements, including targeted revisions to reduce unnecessary burdens on banks.

Documents (1) for ISDA, AFME Respond to EBA on FRTB Reporting Requirements

Episode 48: ISDA at 40

To mark ISDA’s 40th anniversary, The Swap meets two pioneers of the derivatives market, Tom Jasper and Jeffrey Golden, to discuss the emergence of derivatives and the importance of standards. Please view this page via Chrome to access the recording.

Response on Options and Discretions

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