ISDA SIMM® Phase 5 and 6 License Agreement

Firms which are either directly or indirectly subject to global regulatory requirements for the calculation and exchange of regulatory initial margin (IM), may opt to use the ISDA Standard Initial Margin Model or ISDA SIMM® either directly, through their counterparty or their vendor, provided they have executed a licensed agreement with ISDA. Firms which first became subject to regulatory IM requirements on or after September 1, 2021, may obtain a no-fee license for use of ISDA SIMM® by completing the required information and accepting the standard license agreement here. Establishing an account on is required to complete the agreement.

For information on the SIMM License Agreement for vendors, please contact

Episode 48: ISDA at 40

To mark ISDA’s 40th anniversary, The Swap meets two pioneers of the derivatives market, Tom Jasper and Jeffrey Golden, to discuss the emergence of derivatives and the importance of standards. Please view this page via Chrome to access the recording.

Response on Options and Discretions

On January 24, ISDA and the Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) responded to the European Central Bank’s (ECB) consultation on its approach to options and discretions under EU law. In the response, the associations highlight the efforts of...