ISDA Letter on FICC’s Proposed Rulebook Changes Related to Trade Submission Requirements

On August 1, ISDA submitted a letter to the US Securities and Exchange Commission in response to the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation’s (FICC) proposed changes to its Government Securities Division Rulebook in accordance with the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The comment letter addresses FICC’s proposal to modify its trade submission rules in relation to mandatory clearing of certain US Treasury transactions. The proposed rule changes: (i) adopt a requirement that each netting member must submit all eligible secondary market transactions to which it is a counterparty to FICC for clearance and settlement; (ii) adopt new initial and ongoing membership requirements and other measures to facilitate FICC’s ability to monitor a netting member’s compliance with the trade submission requirement; (iii) adopt disciplinary measures to address a netting member’s failure to comply with the trade submission requirement; and (iv) modify the FICC rules to facilitate the trade submission requirement.

Documents (1) for ISDA Letter on FICC’s Proposed Rulebook Changes Related to Trade Submission Requirements