Episode 49: Meet the ISDA Chair

The start of ISDA’s 40th anniversary coincided with the appointment of a new ISDA chair, Jeroen Krens. In this episode, we hear about his plans for the association and main strategic priorities.

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Episode 49: Meet the ISDA Chair

The start of ISDA’s 40th anniversary coincided with the appointment of a new ISDA chair, Jeroen Krens. In this episode, we hear about his plans for the association and main strategic priorities. Please view this page via Chrome to access...

The Value of OTC Derivatives

The over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives market is a cornerstone of the global financial system, enabling corporations, governments and financial institutions around the world to manage risk, enhance returns, optimize liquidity and efficiently allocate capital. This creates value for users by fostering...

Conference Delegate Competition Policy

Delegates must at all times be mindful of and comply with their responsibilities under competition law whilst travelling to and from and attending any ISDA conference. In particular, delegates must not discuss or disclose any commercially sensitive information (including details...