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Book: 1991 ISDA Definitions

The 1991 ISDA Definitions are intended for use with the 1987 ISDA Interest Rate and… Read more 1991 ISDA Definitions

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Book: 1987 ISDA User's Guide to the Standard Form Agreements (Unbound Copy Only)

The 1987 ISDA User’s Guide to the Standard Form Agreements describes how the 1987 Agreements… Read more 1987 ISDA User’s Guide to the Standard Form Agreements (Unbound Copy Only)

$ 14.00

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Free downloads (2) for 1987 ISDA User’s Guide to the Standard Form Agreements (Unbound Copy Only)

Book: 1986 Code of Standard Wording, Assumptions, and Provisions for Swaps (Unbound Copy Only)

This Code represents ISDA’s initial effort to standardize and simplify documentation for US dollar-denominated interest… Read more 1986 Code of Standard Wording, Assumptions, and Provisions for Swaps (Unbound Copy Only)

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Free downloads (2) for 1986 Code of Standard Wording, Assumptions, and Provisions for Swaps (Unbound Copy Only)