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Book: ISDA & IIFM Tahawwut Master Agreement

The ISDA/IIFM Tahawwut Master Agreement is a global master agreement for transactions in Islamic derivatives…. Read more ISDA & IIFM Tahawwut Master Agreement

Book: CDX Untranched Transactions Swaptions Standard Terms Supplement and Confirmation

The CDX Untranched Transactions Swaptions Standard Terms Supplement and Confirmation are designed for documenting untranched… Read more CDX Untranched Transactions Swaptions Standard Terms Supplement and Confirmation

Book: ISDA Definitions Settlement Matrix for Early Termination and Swaptions (the "Settlement Matrix”)

Pleas note that the below Settlement Matrices are for use with the 2006 ISDA Definitions. … Read more ISDA Definitions Settlement Matrix for Early Termination and Swaptions (the “Settlement Matrix”)

Book: SEC Initial Margin Bolt-on Supplements

The following two supplements to existing ISDA margin documents have been published to facilitate compliance… Read more SEC Initial Margin Bolt-on Supplements

Book: ISDA BRRD Article 55 Bail-In Amendment Agreements (Agency and Principal Versions)

The Amendment Agreements enable financial institutions in those EEA jurisdictions which have implemented Article 55… Read more ISDA BRRD Article 55 Bail-In Amendment Agreements (Agency and Principal Versions)