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Committee: ISDA CDM Group

CDM development has now transitioned to the Fintech Open-Source Foundation (www.finos.org) where all future design and build of the core model will be hosted, in direct collaboration with ISDA, ISLA, ICMA and other industry participants.

To engage in future evolution and usage of the model, please join the various CDM working groups at FINOS. They are open to all.

(1) Upcoming meetings can be found via the FINOS Community Calendar: http://www.finos.org/finos-community-calendar.
(2) Please email help@finos.org to request the meeting series link(s) and to be added to the FINOS CDM mailing list.

Please join this distribution list to allow us to share future model developments or any CDM related activities that may be specific to ISDA.

Committee: ISDA CEE/SEE/CIS Group

Particular emphasis is put on EU member states and candidate countries including Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, the Baltic states and Croatia plus other states in the Balkans. Russia, Kazakhstan and the Ukraine are ISDA’s priority jurisdictions in the CIS region. Jurisdictions around the southern and eastern regions of the Mediterranean are also covered by this group.

Committee: ISDA Chief Compliance Officer Working Group

The ISDA Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) Working Group is comprised of Chief Compliance Officers (and related compliance personnel) of swap dealers and MSPs registered with the CFTC. This group serves as a forum to (i) identify best practices (ii) consider implementation and compliance challenges (iii) provide CCOs with context within which to assess their firms’ own internal processes (iv) identify issues, questions and needs for clarification to raise with CFTC and NFA.

Committee: ISDA Commodities Market Infrastructure Group

The ISDA Commodities Market Infrastructure Group is responsible for addressing trading, operational and infrastructure issues is relation to the commodity derivatives market. It will also serve as a forum for market participants to raise and review changes in the Sub-Annexes to the 2005 ISDA Commodity Definitions.

Committee: ISDA Commodity Derivatives Regulatory Group

The Commodity Derivatives Working Group looks at EU regulatory proposals in relation to commodity derivatives, including issues such as market integrity, exemptions from financial regulation for specialist commodity firms, position limits/management, clearing, etc. It comprises financials and non-financials (esp., commodity firms) and is a joint working group with the Futures Industry Association Europe (FIA Europe) and the European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET).

Committee: ISDA Conduct of Business RIC Group

The Conduct of Business RIC focuses on implementing regulatory requirements related to issues including but not limited to registration, recordkeeping, standards for dealing with counterparties, conflicts of interest and disclosure. The RIC addresses these issues primarily by establishing new ISDA working groups or leveraging existing ones. These working groups may be utilized to discuss the substantive requirements and member interpretations, or to establish best practices to facilitate industry compliance.

For example, ISDA working groups are assisting with industry implementation of disclosure requirements for electronically executed swaps, and with confirmation rule requirements. While the Conduct of Business RIC’s initial focus is on US rules, the Committee is global in its coverage.

Committee: ISDA Create Advisory Committee

The ISDA Create Advisory Committee (ICAC) has been established to bring together senior industry representatives to inform the strategic and product direction of ISDA Create. The ICAC acts as a forum for ISDA Create users and other derivatives industry participants to provide feedback and collaborate with the ISDA Create Team to formulate, develop and propose enhancements and improvements to the ISDA Create negotiation platform, and, where appropriate, to engage in specific projects or matters related to ISDA Create.