The ISDA MiFID Implementation and Advocacy Steering Group is the main ISDA discussion and decision forum in relation to MiFID 2/MIFIR implementation and interpretation.
Committee: ISDA New Zealand Group
The New Zealand Distribution List addresses topical issues of importance to ISDA members active in this jurisdiction, such as submissions on proposed new laws and regulations.
Committee: ISDA Malaysia Group
The Malaysia Distribution List addresses topical issues of importance to ISDA members active in this jurisdiction, such as submissions on proposed new laws and regulations.
Committee: ISDA North America Accounting Group
The purpose of the North America Accounting Working Group (NAAWG) is to create a forum for preparers of financial statements to meet and discuss technical accounting matters and practice issues under standards created or discussed by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) along with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and other relevant standard-setting and regulatory bodies such as the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). The NAAWG provides a forum for members to exchange and develop views on a wide range of derivatives topics including: netting and offsetting, cleared and non-cleared derivatives, IBOR reform, OIS discounting, hedge accounting, disclosure practices, fair value measurement, control and valuation matters.
Committee: ISDA Margin and Collateral Processing Working Group
The objective of the Margin and Collateral Processing Working Group is to design and develop an operating framework to support collateral management efficiencies. This workstream will focus on identifying and implementing operational and technology solutions industry-wide to support a holistic collateral management ecosystem. Work products will include ISDA Margin InfoHub UMR and Suggested Operational Practice resources.
Committee: ISDA Margin Practices Working Group
Working group for discussion on margin practices and procyclicality. This WG has been set up to develop a response to the CPMI/IOSCO consultation on margin practices and will be used for follow-up consultations on the same or similar topics.
Committee: ISDA Legal Technology Group
The purpose of this group is to identify opportunities for further standardization and digitization of legal documentation and to support the development of technology-enabled contract delivery solutions and common legal agreement data standards. This Working Group will collaborate with the ISDA Smart Contracts/ DLT Legal Group in working to build the legal foundation upon which new technologies such as DLT and smart contracts can be developed and adopted for use in the derivatives industry.
Committee: ISDA Middle Eastern Group
The group focuses on the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region, including Bahrain, UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia as well as Pakistan in the wider Middle Eastern region. All jurisdictions in the GCC region need further improvements of their respective legal framework for derivatives transactions generally. The issues in question regard a wide range of topics from the areas of insolvency, property and contract law.
Committee: ISDA JPY Benchmark Working Group
A working group to address risks in derivatives contracts of permanent discontinuation of LIBOR, EURIBOR or TIBOR in JPY. Representatives include dealers, end users, CCPs and benchmark administrators.
Committee: ISDA Latin American Group
The Latin America Distribution List addresses business and regulatory issues of importance to ISDA members in Latin America. In light of recently enacted and pending legislation throughout the Latin America region, this initiative has been intensified. The focus of the Latin America Distribution List initiative will be on working with country regulators and potential new members to introduce them to ISDA, its documentation and other activities through meetings and conferences.