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Committee: ISDA Middle Eastern Group

The group focuses on the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region, including Bahrain, UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia as well as Pakistan in the wider Middle Eastern region. All jurisdictions in the GCC region need further improvements of their respective legal framework for derivatives transactions generally. The issues in question regard a wide range of topics from the areas of insolvency, property and contract law.

Committee: ISDA North America Accounting Group

The purpose of the North America Accounting Working Group (NAAWG) is to create a forum for preparers of financial statements to meet and discuss technical accounting matters and practice issues under standards created or discussed by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) along with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and other relevant standard-setting and regulatory bodies such as the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). The NAAWG provides a forum for members to exchange and develop views on a wide range of derivatives topics including: netting and offsetting, cleared and non-cleared derivatives, IBOR reform, OIS discounting, hedge accounting, disclosure practices, fair value measurement, control and valuation matters.

Committee: ISDA Interest Rate Definitions Working Group

The objective of the Workstream is to produce a new version of the ISDA Interest Rate Definitions reflecting market developments including (i) changes to cash settlement mechanics for OET, MET and Swaptions, (ii) updates to the floating rate options and (iii) other miscellaneous improvements. The Workstream will also seek to leverage technological solutions for implementation and adoption of the updated definitions.

Committee: ISDA Interest Rates Steering Committee

The Interest Rates Steering Committee (IRSC) is one of ISDA’s Product Steering Groups comprised of both dealers and buy-side firms with representation from senior business leads at each institution. The IRSC is the governing body which meets to discuss issues affecting the business and practice of interest rate derivatives trading. This group is responsible for providing business leadership on the evolution of the asset class and ensuring appropriate levels of product standardisation are achieved; working with operational groups to coordinate the collective industry infrastructure initiatives to meet regulatory and business requirements and providing asset class expertise for ISDA’s advocacy agenda.