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Documents (2) for ISDA/IIF/GFMA response to the BCBS 254 CD: The Non-Internal Model Method for Capitalising Counterparty Credit Risk Exposures

ISDA/IIF/GFMA response to the BCBS 253 CD: Capital Treatment of Bank Exposures to CCPs

On September 27, the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (‘ISDA’), the Institute of International… Read more ISDA/IIF/GFMA response to the BCBS 253 CD: Capital Treatment of Bank Exposures to CCPs

Documents (1) for ISDA/IIF/GFMA response to the BCBS 253 CD: Capital Treatment of Bank Exposures to CCPs


Documents (0) for dfgfdg

Documents (1) for ISDA letter to National Bank of Romania re. EU Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive

ISDA responses to UK consultations on the implementation of BRRD

ISDA responded to the three British consultation documents as published by HMT, PRA and FCA,… Read more ISDA responses to UK consultations on the implementation of BRRD