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Documents (1) for ISDA comment letter on the Canadian Securities Administrators’ (CSA) Consultation Paper on proposed rules for Canadian Derivatives Product Determination, Trade Repositories and Derivatives Data Reporting rules.

Documents (1) for ISDA/AFME response to the EBA on non-delta risk of options in the standardised market risk approach under Articles 318(3), 341(6) and 347(4) of the draft Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) (EBA/CP/2013/16)

Documents (1) for ISDA/AFME response to the Consultation Paper Draft RTS on the definition of market under Article 330(3) of the Draft Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) (EBA/CP/2013/15).

No-Action Relief Request Addendum: Data Privacy

Supplemental to NAL submissions of June 21, 2013 and June 28, 2013, Annex B and… Read more No-Action Relief Request Addendum: Data Privacy

Documents (1) for ISDA, EFET, FOA & GFMA joint response to the European Commission regarding the definition of financialinstruments under MiFID II

Joint Trade Association No-Action Relief Request: Commodity Block Trade Reporting

Joint ISDA, Futures Industry Association (“FIA”), and the American Petroleum Institute (“API”) request for interpretive… Read more Joint Trade Association No-Action Relief Request: Commodity Block Trade Reporting

Documents (1) for Joint Trade Association No-Action Relief Request: Commodity Block Trade Reporting