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ISDA 2016 Bail-in Art 55 BRRD Protocol (Dutch/French/German/Irish/Italian/Luxembourg/Spanish/UK entity-in-resolution version)

The ISDA Bail-in Protocol offers market participants an efficient way to amend the terms of certain ISDA Master Agreements and certain other master agreements, framework agreements and give-up and execution agreements (as further described in the ISDA Bail-in Protocol) to reflect the requirements of Article 55 of the EU Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD) as implemented in the relevant jurisdictions. The ISDA Bail-in Protocol aims to assist in-scope (Dutch, French, German, Irish, Italian, Luxembourg, Spanish and UK) entities to comply with the requirement in relation to their ISDA Master Agreements and certain other agreements.

ISDA UK (PRA Rule) Jurisdictional Module to the ISDA Resolution Stay Jurisdictional Modular Protocol

The UK (PRA Rule) Jurisdictional Module enables entities subject to the UK Prudential Regulation Authority’s (UK PRA) final rule on contractual stays in financial contracts governed by third-country law to amend the terms of their Covered Agreements with certain counterparties to comply with the PRA’s final rule, by obtaining from such counterparties a contractual recognition of the application of stays on or overrides of termination rights under the UK Banking Act, as required by the UK PRA final rule.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This module has been superseded by the 2020 UK (PRA Rule) Jurisdictional Module (the 2020 UK Module) to the ISDA Resolution Stay Jurisdictional Modular Protocol. You should discuss with your legal advisors which module is appropriate to address your contractual needs.

ISDA Resolution Stay Jurisdictional Modular Protocol

The ISDA Resolution Stay Jurisdictional Modular Protocol enables parties to amend the terms of their Protocol Covered Agreements in order to aid compliance with regulatory requirements in various jurisdictions which, in general, require entities subject to those regulatory requirements to obtain from their counterparties a contractual recognition of the application of stays on or overrides of certain termination rights under the home-country special resolution regime of such regulated entity.

ISDA 2015 Universal Resolution Stay Protocol

The ISDA 2015 Universal Resolution Stay Protocol enables parties to amend the terms of their Protocol Covered Agreements to contractually recognize the cross-border application of special resolution regimes applicable to certain financial companies and support the resolution of certain financial companies under the United States Bankruptcy Code.

ISDA 2014 Resolution Stay Protocol

The ISDA 2014 Resolution Stay Protocol enables parties to amend the terms of their Protocol Covered Agreement to contractually recognize the cross-border application of special resolution regimes applicable to certain financial companies and support the resolution of certain financial companies under the United States Bankruptcy Code. The Protocol has been replaced with the ISDA 2015 Universal Resolution Stay Protocol. This ISDA 2014 Resolution Stay Protocol is now closed.