ISDA Regulatory Margin Self-Disclosure Letter – India

The ISDA Regulatory Margin Self-Disclosure Letter – India Supplement published on July 12, 2024 is… Read more ISDA Regulatory Margin Self-Disclosure Letter – India

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Documents (1) for ISDA letter to BCBS/IOSCO relating to issues concerning timing requirements for margin delivery.

ISDA letter responding to the CFTC’s proposed cross-border rules for margin

ISDA provides comments to the CFTC regarding the recently proposed rulemaking relating to the cross-border... Read more ISDA letter responding to the CFTC’s proposed cross-border rules for margin

Documents (1) for ISDA letter responding to the CFTC’s proposed cross-border rules for margin

Documents (1) for ISDA letter to PRs, CFTC and the SEC regarding certain aspects of the margin requirements for uncleared swaps.

Documents (1) for ISDA letter to the ESAs on the Second Consultation Paper regarding draft regulatory technical standards on risk-mitigation techniques for OTC-derivative contracts not cleared by a CCP

Documents (1) for ISDA letter to global regulators on the use of a broad product set for purposes of margin calculation

Documents (1) for ISDA Minimum Considerations for Uncleared Margin-Future State Workflow (MCD 2.0)

Documents (1) for ISDA Minimum Standards Document for the Future State Margin Workflow (MSD V1.0)

Documents (1) for Consultation Paper regarding draft regulatory technical standards on risk-mitigation techniques for OTC-derivative contracts not cleared by a CCP

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