Joint Response to BCBS Crypto Standard Amendments Consultation

ISDA, with the Global Financial Markets Association, the Futures Industry Association, the Institute of International… Read more Joint Response to BCBS Crypto Standard Amendments Consultation

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Documents (1) for ISDA/AFME responds to the EBA consultation on the draft RTS on proxy spread for CVA risk

ISDA, GFMA, IACPM and JFMC respond to the Basel consultation on internal risk models

ISDA, along with the Global Financial Markets Association (GFMA), the International Association of Credit Portfolio... Read more ISDA, GFMA, IACPM and JFMC respond to the Basel consultation on internal risk models

Documents (1) for ISDA, GFMA, IACPM and JFMC respond to the Basel consultation on internal risk models

Documents (1) for Industry associations respond to notice of proposed rule-making on single counterparty credit limits

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