ISDA Standardized Approaches Benchmarking for FRTB-SA, SA-CCR and CVA

ISDA benchmarking of standardized approaches (SA) helps firms and regulators achieve consistent and accurate implementation… Read more ISDA Standardized Approaches Benchmarking for FRTB-SA, SA-CCR and CVA

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ISDA responds to the FASB on improvements to hedge accounting rules

On November 4, 2016, ISDA’s Accounting Committee responded to a Financial Accounting Standards Board proposal... Read more ISDA responds to the FASB on improvements to hedge accounting rules

Documents (1) for ISDA responds to the FASB on improvements to hedge accounting rules

Industry response to CPMI-IOSCO report on CCP Resilience and Recovery

On October 18, ISDA responded jointly with the Futures Industry Association (FIA), the Global Financial... Read more Industry response to CPMI-IOSCO report on CCP Resilience and Recovery


Documents (1) for ISDA Comment letter supporting delay of implementation date for 871(m)

Documents (1) for ISDA/AFME responds to the EBA consultation on the draft RTS on proxy spread for CVA risk

ISDA, GFMA, IACPM and JFMC respond to the Basel consultation on internal risk models

ISDA, along with the Global Financial Markets Association (GFMA), the International Association of Credit Portfolio... Read more ISDA, GFMA, IACPM and JFMC respond to the Basel consultation on internal risk models

Documents (1) for ISDA, GFMA, IACPM and JFMC respond to the Basel consultation on internal risk models

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