ISDA Standardized Approaches Benchmarking for FRTB-SA, SA-CCR and CVA

ISDA benchmarking of standardized approaches (SA) helps firms and regulators achieve consistent and accurate implementation… Read more ISDA Standardized Approaches Benchmarking for FRTB-SA, SA-CCR and CVA

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Documents (1) for ISDA response to IASB draft on measuring quoted investments in subsidiaries, JVs and associates at fair value

Documents (1) for ISDA response to the IVSC exposure draft on the valuation of equity derivatives

Documents (1) for ISDA letter to the CFTC on margin requirements for uncleared swaps for swap dealers and major swap participants

Documents (1) for ISDA letter to the PRs on margin and capital requirements for covered swap entities

Documents (1) for ISDA response to IASB DP – Accounting for dynamic risk management: a portfolio revaluation approach to macro hedging

Documents (1) for ISDA letter to the ESAs on Estimates of numbers of accounts affected by IM segregation requirements, to demonstrate operational challenges

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