ISDA Standardized Approaches Benchmarking for FRTB-SA, SA-CCR and CVA

ISDA benchmarking of standardized approaches (SA) helps firms and regulators achieve consistent and accurate implementation… Read more ISDA Standardized Approaches Benchmarking for FRTB-SA, SA-CCR and CVA

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Documents (2) for ISDA, GFMA & IIF response to the Consultative Document Fundamental Review of the Trading Book Rules on Liquidity Risk

Documents (1) for ISDA and Other Associations Submit Comments to the BCBS on Supervisory Framework for Measuring and Controlling Large Exposures

Documents (1) for ISDA letter to EFRAG’s Public Consultation: is there a need for specific financial reporting for long-term investing activities business models?

Documents (1) for ISDA & GFMA submit comments to the BCBS on Recognizing Cost of Credit Protection Purchased

Documents (3) for ISDA/AFME response to the Consultation Paper on Draft Regulatory Technical Standards (‘RTS’) to the European Banking Authority (EBA)

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