ISDA Standardized Approaches Benchmarking for FRTB-SA, SA-CCR and CVA

ISDA benchmarking of standardized approaches (SA) helps firms and regulators achieve consistent and accurate implementation… Read more ISDA Standardized Approaches Benchmarking for FRTB-SA, SA-CCR and CVA

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Form Secured Party Notice of Exclusive Control and Form Pledgor Access Notice

for use with the ISDA Tri-Party IA Conflicting Instructions Provision and for possible inclusion in... Read more Form Secured Party Notice of Exclusive Control and Form Pledgor Access Notice

Documents (1) for ISDA response letter to the European Commission re. timing of application of Own Funds Requirements for Exposures to a Central Counterparty in the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD IV)

Documents (1) for ISDA files comment letter on EBA’s consultation paper on draft Regulatory Technical Standards on Capital Requirements for CCPs

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