Fundamentals of Collateral Management (APAC)

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This is a pre-recorded Virtual Conference


Recording available until March 27, 2025


Collateral risk mitigation regulation has evolved around the world, and the field of collateral operations is becoming more complex with day-to-day operations.

This comprehensive 2-Day virtual ISDA training in Collateral Management was developed to help participants learn (i) the terminology of collateral, securities, and related documentation, (ii) relevant regulatory history and current market practice, especially with regard to the post-Uncleared Margin Requirements landscape, and (iii) a practical explanation of tasks and responsibilities for OTC margin managers.


This is a pre-recorded ISDA Virtual Conference:


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Print Agenda Fundamentals of Collateral Management (APAC) for

9:00 AM Introduction, Welcoming Remarks and Course Overview

Amy Caruso, Head of Collateral Initiatives, ISDA 

9:10 AM Module 1: Collateral, Margin and Master Agreements

  • The function(s) of collateral
  • What types of financial instruments use collateral and why?
  • The difference between “margin” and “collateral”
  • Understanding the usage of “exposure” instead of “balance due” on master trading agreements margin calculations
  • Why we need collateral even with trading limits
  • How are documents negotiated and who are the parties involved?
  • Different types of collateralized products and contracts
  • Explore how collateral management works with other areas within your organization
  • Posting or receiving collateral on different contract types

Amy Caruso, Head of Collateral Initiatives, ISDA 

9:45 AM Module 2: Vocabulary of Margin Calls and Introduction to Credit Support Annexes (CSAs)

  • What is a Margin call?
  • What does mark-to-market, notional and tenor/maturity mean for trades and what is the impact of each of these on the daily margin call?
  • “In the Money” and “Out of the Money” and calculating exposure and VM
  • VM, IM, and IA – the differences and the intersections of each
  • Frequency of margin calculations and collateral being posted and/or received
  • What is a Credit Support Annex and how many kinds are there? Part 1
  • Choice of law
  • When can rehypothecation be used and can it not be used?

Amy Caruso, Head of Collateral Initiatives, ISDA
Sonal Pattnayak, Associate General Counsel, Asia Pacific, ISDA

10:15 AM Break

10:25 AM Module 3: The Credit Support Annex Vocabulary

  • Valuation Agent and Date
  • Regimes
  • Base Currency and Termination Currency
  • Eligible Collateral
  • Delivery Amount and Return Amount
  • Threshold
  • Minimum Transfer Amount (MTA)
  • Rounding
  • Notification and Resolution Times
  • Local Business Day
  • Transfer Timing
  • Notices
  • Disputes/Differences
  • Portfolio Reconciliation (“Port Rec”) and Resolution Time
  • Condition Precedent: Defaults, Termination Events and Additional Termination Events; Fish or Cut Bait Clause
  • Fails, defaults, and cure periods

Amy Caruso, Head of Collateral Initiatives, ISDA 
Sonal Pattnayak, Associate General Counsel, Asia Pacific, ISDA 

10:55 AM Module 4: Eligible Collateral

  • Overview and associated risks of Cash, Equities and Fixed Income
  • Ratings
  • Haircuts, notional/face value, price, maturity, and haircut algebra
  • Standardization of terms and eligible collateral under Uncleared Margin Requirements (UMR)
  • Substitutions
  • Interest and Negative Interest
  • Proceeds, coupons, and corporate actions
  • Liquidity and Optimization
  • Eligible collateral considerations: documentation, automation and data standards

Amy Caruso, Head of Collateral Initiatives, ISDA
Purtini Joshi, Head of Business Development, Collateral Management, APAC, State Street

11:50 AM Recap and Questions

12:00 PM Day 1 Concludes

Thursday, February 27, 2025

9:00 AM Welcome Back and Recap of Day 1

Amy Caruso, Head of Collateral Initiatives, ISDA 

9:05 AM Module 5: Post-2008 Regulations and Risk Management

  • Average Aggregate Notional Amount (“AANA”) and being “in scope” for UMR regulation
  • How does FX risk come into play with collateral? How does an FX haircut mitigate that?
  • "Wrong-Way” risk: how to make sure you are not increasing counterparty risk
  • European Market Infrastructure Regulation (“EMIR”) vs. Dodd-Frank Act (“DFA”): Differing regimes have different rules and operational practices
  • What happens when regulations fight? “Strictest of” process
  • How many kinds of Credit Support Annexes are there? Part 2
    1. "Legacy" 1994/1995 CSA/CSD (and BSA)
    2. VM CSA/CSD: 2016- Phase 1, 2017 “VM Big Bang” regulatory compliant Exposure CSAs
    3. IM CSA/CSD/CTA: 2016-forwards; IM phase-in based on AANA and regime deadlines; custodians required
    4. Umbrella documents for asset managers
  • IM Monitoring

Amy Caruso, Head of Collateral Initiatives, ISDA
Kriti Tandon, Vice President, Goldman Sachs

9:35 AM Module 6: Custodians, Initial Margin and Multiple CSA Management

  • IM CSA/CSD and IM CTA + Security Agreement: Designed to govern IM and the custodians used by each party​
  • IM Thresholds: 50mm uniform Threshold per entity/corporate group, based on original master agreement pairings​
  • IM Eligible Collateral Schedule​
  • ISDA SIMM, and when GRID is used​
  • Independent Amount vs. Initial Margin​
  • IA and IM:  Distinct, Allocated vs. Greater Of and managing VM and IM CSA​
  • Custodial Agents: Account control agreement, security agreement, KYC requirements​
  • Triparty vs. third party collateral posting​
  • What happens when you are not using the same custodians?​
  • Operational efficiency across CSAs and monitoring​
  • How can automation and Straight Through Processing (“STP”) help with daily tasks?​
  • Reviewing and upgrading review your legacy systems for regulatory compliance, efficiency, data, risk

Amy Caruso, Head of Collateral Initiatives, ISDA 
Do Tom, Vice President, Goldman Sachs 

10:20 AM Break

10:30 AM Module 7: Daily Operations Part 1

  • Onboarding new and amending existing contracts
  • Margin Calculations
    1. Legacy CSA exposure calculation
    2. VM CSA Exposure margin calculation
    3. IM CSA SIMM Calculation for post and collection
    4. IA/IM review for Greater Of/Allocated
    5. IM Monitoring for clients who chose BCBS/IOSCO relief
  • Collateral Posting for Legacy, VM/IA, IM/IA, bilaterally or to custodians/segregated accounts
    1. Delivery Amount in or out
    2. Return Amount in or out
    3. Substituting collateral: maturing items, optimization, amendments to schedules
  • Data inputs/outputs

Amy Caruso, Head of Collateral Initiatives, ISDA 

11:30 AM Module 8: Daily Operations Part 2

  • Problem management
  • Chasing fails for deliveries or returns
  • Dispute resolution and investigation (trades, securities valuation, or contract data conflicts)
  • Portfolio reconciliation (“Port Rec”)
  • Operational controls (Was the cash sent? Were the securities received? Are there any unexplained mark-to-market jumps?)
  • Systems controls (feeds for trades, pricing, ratings, margin calls)
  • Eligibility controls for posted collateral
  • Risk reporting and alerts
  • Regulatory reporting
  • Defaults and Notice of Exclusive Control: Alerting internal teams and custodians, or providing information to teams and regulators
  • Qualified Financial Stay rules and impact on Close-Out and Setoff

Amy Caruso, Head of Collateral Initiatives, ISDA 

12:00 PM Course Recap

Amy Caruso, Head of Collateral Initiatives, ISDA 

12:15 PM Course Concludes

Agenda is subject to change.

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