ISDA Masterclass: Accounting – Who Should Attend?

Who Should Attend?

This course is designed for those of all levels of seniority and experience and includes finance managers, treasury specialists and executives of financial institutions, regulators and corporates who need to understand the rules and strategies involved in accounting for derivatives. It is particularly relevant for:

  • Executives and finance managers covering ALM and treasury issues related to accounting and responsible for business and tactical initiatives looking to introduce strategic changes to their organization and who want to understand the role derivatives accounting can play.
  • Mid- to senior-level functional managers working in finance, banking and other sectors such as energy or commodities, or those in central treasury functions of banks and large corporates, who are looking to gain an understanding of how derivatives are used to manage risk and how they affect business practice.
  • Front-office managers and those on sales desks, who need to understand accounting for derivatives in order to discuss implications with their clients, back office, managers and directors.
  • Individuals working in treasury roles who oversee aspects of financial management and advise on operational and fundraising activities and capital structure, who would like to better understand the role derivatives play in managing risk and how they are reported and accounted.
  • Accounting, regulatory reporting and compliance specialists/officers who want to gain a clear understanding of derivatives accounting and reporting implications for their organizations and confirm how accounting for derivatives compares with other legal and financial requirements.
  • Individuals in internal audit and accounting policy functions, who may lack direct financial management training and experience with derivatives and so will benefit from better understanding the role derivatives play in an organization and the way they are managed, reported and accounted.