ISDA MyLibrary is a state-of-the-art user platform that allows market participants to access ISDA documentation in electronic form with enhanced navigation and easy-to-use comparability tools. The MyLibrary platform can be accessed here.
ISDA MyLibrary is a state-of-the-art user platform that allows market participants to access ISDA documentation in electronic form with enhanced navigation and easy-to-use comparability tools. The MyLibrary platform can be accessed here.

Key Benefits

Each new market event can cause firms to sift through hundreds of pages of paper or PDF agreements, definitions and supplements to determine the terms of their derivatives trades and ascertain the impact. That’s a slow, operationally intensive process at a time when speed is usually of the essence to minimize risk and potential losses.

ISDA MyLibrary allows users to read and navigate ISDA documentation in a digital format with search functionality and comparability tools, enabling firms to quickly identify the key provisions, rights and obligations associated with their trades.



For more information or to set up a subscription, please contact the ISDA MyLibrary team at


About MyLibrary

ISDA MyLibrary is a digital documentation platform aimed at improving the ability of firms to efficiently access and navigate ISDA documents. Firms can source and reference key documents, terms, legal clauses and definitions via a search function, with the ability to compare different versions of documents side by side.

Access to the online MyLibrary platform is automatically available to ISDA members and non-members that purchase a subscription to use ISDA documentation via the ISDA Online Library. Online Library subscriptions are available on an institutional basis. Individuals can also purchase a single use annual subscription to access a specific document. For more information or to set up a subscription, please contact



  • The electronic format allows ISDA to revise and update its new documents in full each time an amendment is required, avoiding the need to publish supplements.
  • Users can easily view the prevailing version of the document as of any date.
  • Different versions of a document can be compared, with the ability to view changes in blackline.
  • Documentation on MyLibrary is optimized for viewing on both desktop and mobile devices.
  • Users can perform searches based on words or phrases.
  • Firms can easily navigate through ISDA documents via index links to content types – ie, definitions, matrices, confirmation templates, etc.
  • Embedded links within the text allow users to easily view definitions of terms via pop-up boxes.
  • Links to resources, including external content, provide instant access to useful materials, including explanatory videos.
  • Users can view multiple date-stamped versions of an ISDA document simultaneously with side-by-side viewing.
  • Users can bookmark topics in a document. The list of bookmarks will be preserved for each user.
  • Users can view collections of documents, components of documents or different versions of the same document and save for future reference.
  • Content can be downloaded in a printable PDF form.



ISDA MyLibrary now hosts around 110 derivatives documents in digital form, including the 2002 ISDA Master Agreement and the ISDA Clause Library, which sets out standard drafting options for frequently negotiated provisions within key ISDA documentation. Other documents include:

  • 2021 ISDA Interest Rate Derivatives Definitions
  • 2008 ISDA Inflation Derivatives Definitions
  • 1998 FX and Currency Option Definitions
  • ISDA Benchmarks Supplement
  • 2005 ISDA Commodity Definitions
  • 2022 ISDA Securities Financing Transactions Definitions
  • ISDA Digital Asset Derivatives Definitions
  • 2022 ISDA Verified Carbon Credit Transactions Definitions

Additional documents are regularly being added to MyLibrary.


Fact Sheets/Presentations


Press Releases/Blogs

