ISDA fosters safe and efficient derivatives markets to facilitate effective risk management for all users of derivative products.
Strategy Statement
ISDA achieves its mission by representing all market participants globally, promoting high standards of commercial conduct that enhance market integrity, and leading industry action on derivatives issues. This includes being:
The Preeminent Voice of the Global Derivatives Marketplace
- Representing the industry through public policy engagement, education and communication
An Advocate for Effective Risk and Capital Management
- Enhancing counterparty and market risk practices and ensuring a prudent and consistent regulatory capital and margin framework
The Source for Global Industry Standards in Documentation
- Developing standardized documentation globally to promote legal certainty and maximum risk reduction
A Strong Proponent for a Safe, Efficient Market Infrastructure for Derivatives Trading, Clearing and Reporting
- Advancing practices related to trading, clearing, reporting and processing of transactions in order to enhance the safety, liquidity and transparency of global derivatives markets