Tag: Clearing

ISDA’s Response to Proposed Amendments to the CSA’s National Instrument 94-101

ISDA’s response to proposed amendments to the CSA’s National Instrument 94-101, Mandatory Central Counterparty Clearing of Derivatives, requesting... Read more ISDA’s Response to Proposed Amendments to the CSA’s National Instrument 94-101

Documents (1) for ISDA’s Response to Proposed Amendments to the CSA’s National Instrument 94-101

FIA and ISDA respond to BoE’s consultation on operational resilience for CCPs

FIA and ISDA (together the “Associations”) welcome the Bank of England’s consultation paper (CP) on operational... Read more FIA and ISDA respond to BoE’s consultation on operational resilience for CCPs

Documents (1) for FIA and ISDA respond to BoE’s consultation on operational resilience for CCPs

Documents (1) for ISDA, FIA and IIF Respond to FSB’s Consultation on CCP Resources in Resolution