Tag: Sustainable Finance

Principles for a US Transition to a Sustainable Low-carbon Economy

Climate change is one of the greatest global challenges facing our society, and financial firms... Read more Principles for a US Transition to a Sustainable Low-carbon Economy

Documents (1) for Principles for a US Transition to a Sustainable Low-carbon Economy

ISDA Comments on Establishment of a European Single Access Point

On January 15, ISDA submitted a response to the European Commission’s (EC) inception impact assessment... Read more ISDA Comments on Establishment of a European Single Access Point

Documents (1) for ISDA Comments on Establishment of a European Single Access Point

Documents (1) for ISDA Response to EC Consultation on Draft Technical Screening Criteria under the EU Taxonomy

ISDA Responds to ESMA Consultation on Reporting by NFRD Entities

On December 4, ISDA submitted a response to the European Securities and Markets Authority’s (ESMA)... Read more ISDA Responds to ESMA Consultation on Reporting by NFRD Entities

ISDA, AFME Respond to ECB Guide on Climate and Environmental Risks

ISDA and the Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) have submitted a joint response... Read more ISDA, AFME Respond to ECB Guide on Climate and Environmental Risks

Documents (1) for ISDA, AFME Respond to ECB Guide on Climate and Environmental Risks

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