2008 Icelandic Banks CDS Protocols

Open from October 27, 2008

Closed on October 31, 2008


The 2008 Landsbanki CDS Protocol relates to settlement issues concerning Landsbanki Íslands hf ("Landsbanki"), that was subject to the appointment of a "receivership committee" on Tuesday October 7, 2008. The 2008 Glitnir CDS Protocol relates to settlement issues concerning Glitnir Banki hf ("Glitnir"), that was subject to the appointment of a "receivership committee" on Tuesday October 7, 2008.  The 2008 KaupÞing CDS Protocol relates to settlement issues concerning KaupÞing Banki hf ("KaupÞing "), that was subject to the appointment of a "receivership committee" on Wednesday October 8,2008.  Each of the 2008 Landsbanki CDS Protocol, the 2008 Glitnir CDS Protocol and the 2008 KaupÞing CDS Protocol are referred to as the “Protocol(s)”.

The purpose of the Protocol(s) is to offer market participants an efficient way to address the settlement issues relating to credit derivative transactions referencing Landsbanki, Glitnir and KaupÞing (as appropriate). The Protocol(s) will offer institutions the ability to amend their documentation for various credit derivatives transactions in order to utilize an auction scheduled for:

  1. November 4, 2008 to determine the final price for certain Landsbanki obligations pursuant to the 2008 Landsbanki CDS Protocol;
  2. November 5, 2008 to determine the final price for certain Glitnir obligations pursuant to the 2008 Glitnir CDS Protocol; and/or
  3. November 6, 2008 to determine the final price for certain KaupÞing obligations pursuant to the 2008 KaupÞing CDS Protocol.

Markit Group Limited and Creditex Securities Corp. will administer each auction.

The Protocol(s) are open to ISDA members and non-members. The Protocol(s) will be open between October 27, 2008 and October 31, 2008.


 The following documents must be submitted via email to the ISDA office in London in order to adhere to the 2008 Kaupþing Banki hf/Landsbanki hf/Glitnir Banki hf CDS Protocol(s):

  • One signed copy of the Adherence Letter, providing information on the contact person at the Adhering Party.
  • One conformed copy of the Adherence Letter. A conformed copy is an exact copy of the signed letter with the name of the person signing the letter typed on the signature line. A signature should not appear on the conformed copy of the letter.

The same letter allows an entity to adhere to any or all of the three Protocol(S) by checking the appropriate box to indicate which Protocol(s) the entity wishes to sign up to.

Click here for form of Adherence Letter.

ISDA will only accept email delivery of Adherence Letters. An Adhering Party is not required to send original Adherence Letters to the ISDA offices.

Please submit all Adherence Letters via email to icelandicprotocol@isda.org. It is critical that both a scanned, signed Adherence Letter, as well as a scanned, conformed Adherence Letter is submitted. Entities will not be deemed to have adhered to the Protocol(s) until both the signed and conformed Adherence Letters are submitted by email in accordance with the Adherence Period.

You are not required to send your original Adherence Letter(s) by mail to ISDA.

No other documents are required in order to adhere to the 2008 Kaupþing Banki hf/Landsbanki hf/Glitnir Banki hf CDS Protocol(s).

The Protocol will open for adherence on Monday, October 27, 2008.

Email address for Delivery of Adherence Letters:

Policy Regarding Conformed Copies
A signed copy and a conformed copy of an Adherence Letter must be received in order for ISDA to list a party as having adhered to the 2008 Kaupþing Banki hf/Landsbanki hf/Glitnir Banki hf CDS Protocol(s).

The most common problem experienced in the adherence process for prior Protocols was the failure to include a conformed copy of the Adherence Letter. We remind parties that a conformed copy, together with a signed copy, must be submitted to ISDA in connection with adherence to the 2008 Kaupþing Banki hf/Landsbanki hf/Glitnir Banki hf CDS Protocol(s).

ISDA has prepared this brief summary of frequently asked questions to assist in your consideration of the 2008 Kaupþing Banki hf/Landsbanki hf/Glitnir Banki hf CDS Protocol (the “Protocols”).


This Frequently Asked Questions webpage is divided into three sections: (i) questions relating to the submission of Adherence Letters; (ii) questions relating to the election of an entity not to participate in a Protocol; and (iii) questions relating to the substance of the Protocols including physical settlement.

Adherence Letter Submission Process
There are three protocols but only one form of Adherence Letter?
That's right.  Each entity wishing to sign up to any or all of the Protocols should complete the Adherence Letter and indicate in that Adherence Letter by checking the appropriate box(es) which Protocols it wishes to participate in.

The Adherence Letter refers to three protocols but I only want to sign up to one/two of them?
That's ok.  Simply check the box in the Adherence Letter  opposite the Protocols that you want to sign up to. You will not be deemed to have signed up to a protocol that you do not check unless you do not check any box, in which case, you will be deemed to have signed up to all three Protocols.  It is, therefore, important if you wish to stay out of a particular Protocol that you expressly indicate which Protocols you are participating in by checking the appropriate box leaving the box related to the Protocols you do not wish to participate in blank.

When do I need to send in my Adherence Letter?
The Protocols will open for adherence on Monday, October 27, 2008 and remain open until 5:00 p.m. London Time on Friday, October 31, 2008. Any entity must email its Adherence Letter to ISDA by 5:00 p.m. London Time on Friday, October 31, 2008, or it will not be able to participate in any of the Protocols.

How do I send in my Adherence Letter?
All Adherence Letters must be delivered by email to Icelandicprotocol@isda.org. In the email, you must submit both your conformed and executed copies of the Adherence Letter. Click here for a sample of a conformed letter. Click here for a sample of a signed letter.

The Adherence Letters should be on your institution’s letterhead. Nothing in the form of Adherence Letter available on ISDA’s website may be changed with the exception of completing the details of your institutional name, date and signature block and checking the relevant box(es).
You are not required to send your original Adherence Letters by mail to ISDA.

What is a conformed copy?
A conformed copy of the Adherence Letter means that the name of the authorised signatory (for example, Patricia Smith) is typed rather than having Patricia Smith’s actual signature on the letter. ISDA only posts on its website the conformed copy of all Adherence Letters.
You must also submit an executed, or signed, copy of the Adherence Letter in addition to the conformed copy of the Adherence Letter. ISDA keeps the executed copy of the Adherence Letter for its files and does not share the executed copy with anyone else.

Who is an authorised signatory?
An authorised signatory to the Adherence Letter is an individual who has the legal authority to bind the adhering institution.

What if I am an investment or asset manager – how do I complete the signature block?
If you are an investment or asset manager and act on behalf of multiple funds, you may indicate the following in the signature block: “Investment/Asset Manager, acting on behalf of each of the funds and accounts listed in the relevant Master Agreement (or other agreement which deems a Master Agreement to have been created) between it and another Adhering Party”. Click here for an example.  A separate Adherence Letter for each fund or account does not need to be submitted to ISDA. Further, no specific names of clients of the investment/asset manager will be publicly disclosed on the ISDA website in connection with the Protocol.

As an alternative, an investment or asset manager may list the specific  funds that are adhering to the Protocols by indicating in the signature block:  "Investment/Asset Manager, acting on behalf of the funds and accounts listed below".  Click here for example.  Please note that in this case the names of those funds must be provided and will be publicly disclosed on the ISDA website.

However, in order for Physical Settlement Requests to be calculated by Participating Bidders, each such investment/asset manager is required to provide a list of all funds and accounts that it acts on behalf of to each Participating Bidder that has (or whose affiliate has) entered into a Master Agreement with any of those funds or accounts. As provided in paragraph (1) of the Auction Methodology set out in Exhibit 2 of the relevant Protocol, on the Business Day prior to the Auction Date, the Administrators (Markit and Creditex) will publish a list of the Participating Bidders on their respective websites. In addition, contact details will be available for the Participating Bidders through their Adherence Letters on the ISDA website.

Can I change the text of the Adherence Letter?
No. The Adherence Letter must be in the same format as the form of letter published in the 2008 Kaupþing /Landsbanki /Glitnir CDS Protocol. You may obtain a copy of the form Adherence Letter by visiting the ISDA website, www.isda.org and clicking on “2008 Icelandic Banks CDS Protocol” and then clicking on “Form of Adherence Letter”.

Does it cost any money to adhere to the Protocol?

Entities Electing Not to Adhere to the Protocol
What happens if my institution or fund does not adhere to the Protocol?
If your institution or fund elects not to participate in the Protocol, then you must bilaterally settle each of your trade(s) with each of your counterparties as such trade(s) relate to Kaupþing/Landsbanki/Glitnir as appropriate. You will not be able to take advantage of the auction mechanic and should contact your counterparty or counterparties immediately if you do not plan to participate in the Protocols.

Scope of Transaction Coverage Relating to the Protocol
Does adhering to the Protocol affect my single name trades?
Yes. Single name trades will be part of the auction process provided for by the Protocol. Thus, single name trades on Kaupþing/Landsbanki/Glitnir will be subject to the procedures set forth in the applicable Protocol.

Does adhering to the Protocol affect other credit derivative transactions?
Yes. In addition to single name credit derivative transactions referencing Kaupþing /Landsbanki /Glitnir, the following transactions are also covered in each of the Protocols: Constant Maturity Swap Transactions, Principal Only Transactions, Interest Only Transactions, First to Default Transactions, Nth to Default Transactions, Recovery Lock Transactions, Bespoke Portfolio Transactions, Single-Name Swaptions and Portfolio Swaptions.

What credit derivative transactions are not affected by adhering to the Protocol?
Reference Obligation Only Transactions, Loan Only Transactions, Preferred CDS Transactions and Fixed Recovery Transactions are not covered under any of the Protocols.

Who runs the auction?
The auctions will each be administered by Creditex and Markit and not by ISDA.

When is the auction?
The auctions will take place on:
November 4, 2008 in the case of Landsbanki;
November 5, 2008 in the case of Glitnir; and
November 6, 2008 in the case of Kaupþing.

Details of the auction results will be posted at www.creditfixings.com.

Physical Settlement through the auction
Where can I find the lists of Deliverable Obligations?
The list of Senior Deliverable Obligations and Subordinate Deliverable Obligations relevant to each of the Protocols is listed in that Protocol.  They are also available separately on our website under the "Landsbanki", "Glitnir" and "Kaupþing" links under "Recent Developments".

I want to physically settle through the auction, what do I have to do?
Parties who wish to deliver or receive Deliverable Obligations may place a Physical Settlement Request with a Participating Bidder.  A Physical Settlement Request is an order to sell or buy Deliverable Obligations at the Final Price.  A Physical Settlement Request must be submitted in the form of the Customer Physical Settlement Request Letter set out in Exhibit 5 to each Protocol.  Please click here for a form of Customer Physical Settlement Request Letter. A separate Customer Physical Settlement Request Letter should be submitted for each auction in which a party wishes to submit a Physical Settlement Request. Parties wishing to submit a Customer Physical Settlement Request Letter should contact their dealer that is acting as a Participating Bidder in advance of the auction. A list of Participating Bidders is available on our website under "2008 Icelandic Banks CDS Protocol".

Following the auction, each party that submitted a Physical Settlement Buy or Sell Request that is matched in the auction will be treated as if they had entered into an agreement with the relevant Participating Bidder on terms equal to a Representative  Auction-Settled Transaction (RAST). Parties that submitted a Physical Settlement Sell Request must send a Notice of Physical Settlement to the relevant Participating Bidder, specifying which Deliverable Obligations they will deliver in settlement of that transaction.  A form of Notice of Physical Settlement is contained as an exhibit in the Protocol.  The deadline for sending this notice is specified as the "Notice of Physical Settlement Date" in the relevant Protocol.

Can I deliver Senior Obligations into a RAST resulting from a Subordinate Auction?
Yes, you can deliver either a Senior or a Subordinated Obligation to settle a Subordinate RAST.  However, in respect of a Senior RAST, only Senior Obligations can be delivered.

If I want to deliver Deliverable Obligations in a currency other than EUR, how is the FX calculated?
All Physical Settlement Requests and Limit Order Submissions are denominated in EUR; however, for trades generated by the matching of these orders, Deliverable Obligations denominated in certain other currencies may be delivered.  In this case, the FX rate used to calculate how much of the non-EUR Deliverable Obligation may be delivered is determined by the Calculation Agent using the Currency Rate  (as defined in the 2003 ISDA Credit Derivatives Definitions) on the date the Notice of Physical Settlement is effective (or, if the Notice of Physical Settlement is changed on or prior to the Physical Settlement Date, the date notice of the last such change is effective) or in such other commercially reasonable manner as it shall determine after consultation with the parties.

Cash Settlement Date and Accruals
When is the Cash Settlement Date?
The Cash Settlement Date for each of the three Protocols is November 20, 2008.

How are accruals calculated?
Accruals will be dealt with in accordance with the 2003 ISDA Credit Derivatives Definitions.  The Seller will be required to deduct the accrued amount from the Cash Settlement Amount payable on the Cash Settlement Date, expected to be November 20, 2008. Accrued amounts will be calculated up to and including the Event Determination Date, which is October 8, 2008 in the case of Landsbanki and Glitnir and October 9, 2008 in the case of Kaupþing.