Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited acting on behalf of one or more clients, funds and/or principals listed in the relevant Protocol Covered Master Agreement entered into between it (as Agent) and another Adhering PArty
BBVA Asset Management, S.A., S.G.I.I.C., acting on behalf of the funds and accounts listed on the relevant Protocol Covered Master Agreement, as amended from time to time, between it and another Adhering Party.
FIL ASIA SERVICES PTY LIMITED acting on behalf of the funds, accounts or other principals listed in the relevant Agreement (or other agreement which deems an Agreement to have been created) between it (as agent) and another Adhering Party.
FIL TRANSACTION SERVICES LIMITED acting on behalf of the funds, accounts or other principals listed in the relevant Agreement (or other agreement which deems an Agreement to have been created) between it (as agent) and another Adheing Party
M&G Investment Management Limited acting as agent for ALSTOM Pension Trust Limited as Trustee of the ALSTOM Pension Scheme on or prior to 4th January 2013.
M&G Investment Management Limited acting as agent for BT Pension Scheme
Trustees Limited as Trustee of the BT Pension Scheme on or prior to 4th January 2013.
M&G Investment Management Limited acting as agent for Prudential Staff Pensions Limited acting of the DB Section of the Prudential Staff Pension Scheme on or prior to 4th January 2013.
M&G Investment Management Limited acting as agent for Stanhope Pension Trust
Limited as trustee of the G.E.C. 1972 Plan on or prior to 15th November 2012.
M&G Investment Management Limited acting as agent for Coal Staff Superannuation Scheme Trustees Limited as trustee of the British Coal Staff Superannuation Scheme on or prior to 15th November 2012.
Schroder Investment Management (Hong Kong) Ltd, acting on behalf of the clients, investors, funds, accounts and/or other principals listed in the relevant Protocol Covered Master Agreement (or other agreement which deems a Protocol Covered Master Agreement to have been created) entered into between it (as Agent) and another Adhereing Party on or prior to 3 August 2012
Schroder Investment Management (Singapore) Ltd, acting on behalf of the clients, investors, funds, accounts and/or other principals listed in the relevant Protocol Covered Master Agreement (or other agreement which deems a Protocol Covered Master Agreement to have been created) entered into between it (as Agent) and another Adhereing Party on or prior to 3 August 2012
Schroder Investment Management Australia Limited, acting on behalf of the clients, investors, funds, accounts and/or other principals listed in the relevant Protocol Covered Master Agreement (or other agreement which deems a Protocol Covered Master Agreement to have been created) entered into between it (as Agent) and another Adhereing Party on or prior to 8 August 2012
Schroder Investment Management Limited, acting on behalf of the clients, investors, funds, accounts and/or other principals listed in the relevant Protocol Covered Master Agreement (or other agreement which deems a Protocol Covered Master Agreement to have been created) entered into between it (as Agent) and another Adhering Party on or prior to 7 August 2012